Chanakya Neeti

Chanakya Neeti 


About the Author's View:

B. K. Chaturvedi is a very well known Indian author. He is  a journalist as well as translator. His works are mainly based on Hindu Gods and saints. He also focusses on historically famous Indian people. Chaturvedi's works are published both in English and Hindi. He mostly studied in Bangalore and Allahabad. Apart from this book, Chaturvedi has authored Linga Purana, Kautilya's Arthashastra and A Complete Guide To Numerology. He has also written for some programmes on TV and radio.

The book contains the valued possesions  of Chanakya(Vishnu Gupta). In this fast moving world everyone must read this to stop a little, relax and then proceed the life with faith, courage, love and enjoy the rest of the life. He is really a genius to study human and give us a good set of Valuables. The book is presented in simple english so that all can understand very easily the fact. Good Luck to all. Enjoy every moment of your life.

Chanakya Neeti is a book based on Chanakya, an Indian theorist, teacher, philosopher, economist and a noble mentor to the Mauryan emperors between 350 -275 BC. The book portrays about his ideologies and ideas in diverse situations, which are pertinent even to today’s’ times. People follow his ideas to escape from the web of several evils to lead a happy and peaceful life. Chanakya was also known as Kautilya or Vishnu Gupta. He was prominent lecturer at the ancient Takshashila University. He was an expert of economics and political science. Besides teaching, he also advised the Mauryan kings, Chandragupta and his son Bindusara. Chanakya played a crucial role in the establishment and expansion of the Mauryan Empire.

In this book, the author tells about Arthashastra, the ancient thesis about Indian Polity. The book focuses on Chanakya’s detailed theories. He wrote his discoveries as to the manner people used to live their lives in ancient India. The book explains the behaviours and patterns a person should follow with different people in life.

This book was published in 2002 and is available in paperback form. It comprises of Neeti Sutras in Sanskrit, which are in concise form, but are very impressive. Their translation is done in English and a bit is explained in laymen’s terms too.

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